Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Heading for the Rocks

I've been struggling a great deal with the current WIP. The first draft is almost complete, and written in record time, but I feel completely disengaged from the protagonist. This has never happened to me before. Usually, my characters are very clear, very real individuals in my head, almost as if they're people I know. Naming their favorite food, color, music, etc., is a no-brainer. With this project, though, I'm at a loss. The MC just won't spring to life for me, and if I'm not finding her interesting, how in the hell can I expect a reader to? This is also the first time, however, that one of my story ideas hasn't started with character, and I'm beginning to suspect that may have something to do with it.

Of course, while I'm forcing myself to stay interested long enough to get the first draft done, three other half-finished writing projects are calling to me, their siren songs trying to lure me away. This story, they whisper-sing. This is the story you were meant to write. Those other silly books don't mean anything - only this one... And as we all know, there's nothing more perfect, beautifully crafted, and gorgeously written as the project you're not currently working on.


Talia Vance said...

I'm with you! Supposed to be finishing a first draft of WIP 1 and then WIP 2 popped into my head and DEMANDED to be written. I feel like I'm cheating on my WIP.

madlibjen said...

I know exactly what you mean, Talia. It's like WIP adultery!